
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

They're ganging up on me

Yesterday evening I went out to evict some slugs and snails.

This job is so much easier with gloves!

The trouble is, the best time to find these beasties is also the favourite hunting time of these beasties:

Photo courtesy of Harry Hogg, used with permission. This image must not be used or copied without prior permission from Harry Hogg.
My photography is nowhere near good enough to take a photo like this, so I borrowed this one. Click the image to see the original

I can't spend long outside before they eat me alive.

They're so itchy!

The itchiness woke me up at six o'clock this morning, which is a good two hours before I'd usually wake up. It's a beautiful day so I got up thinking I might go out into the garden, but the midges are just as bad in the early morning as they are in the evening. Grrr!

What I need is one of these:


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