
Monday, 24 November 2014

Goodbye, Pebble

We went to visit Ian's parents in Devon last week, returning on Friday evening. Pebble greeted us at the door, had some dinner, then raced around like a mad thing for a while before settling on my lap. A little later, I got up to get our dinner and not long after that she started complaining. At first we thought it was just because we'd switched the heat off on her bed (seed propagator at other times of year) but it soon became obvious that she was in pain. We called the vet, monitored the situation for an hour or so, then decided she really did need medical attention urgently so arranged to meet a vet at the surgery. He couldn't give us a definite diagnosis until morning, but said that the symptoms suggested rat poison. We left her with him to do what he could for her, but by morning she was dead.

Today, we buried her in the garden, where I'm planning to plant an elder tree. She did love elderflowers.

Here are some memories of a beloved cat.


  1. Oh Rachel, this made me well up :-( What a pretty little cat she was and how horrible for you to loose her like that. I know from loosing my little Phoebe how heartbreaking it is and I really feel for you, you obviously loved her a lot. Sleep tight little puss in the land where rivers flow with milk and the airing cupboard door is always open.... x

  2. I am deeply, sincerely sorry for your loss. I understand the sorrow only too well and I hope it eases soon. x

  3. Bless little Pebble, has really put my problems and moans in perspective right this moment. How sad for you. So sorry that you lost your beautiful cat x

  4. What an amazing, beautiful girl, such a character. She will leave a big hole in your lives and indelible footprints on your heart. Thinking of you, know how hard it is to lose a much-loved four paws.

  5. Oh Rachel, my heart is breaking for you and your precious little Pebbles. Of all the ways to lose her... I have no words. Please know that you are in my thoughts and that I'm sending you all sorts of healing energy through the ether (that totally works, doesn't it?)

    Big Hugs,

  6. sorry that you have lost Pebbles Rachel but what a lot of lovely memories in your photos

  7. Oh I am so terribly sorry, what a dreadful thing to happen. I know you will have lots of happy memories to help you through your loss, although as a fellow cat lover I know how tough it is. :-( xx

  8. Oh I'm so sorry. RIP Pebble.


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