
Sunday, 10 January 2016

I turn my back for one minute...

When putting away cutlery in the kitchen, it's dangerous to turn my back on the open cutlery drawer. This tends to happen:


  1. Haha! As soon as I read the the post I guessed what the video might contain..!

    Ours are not keen on getting into drawers at the moment, but seem obsessed with sitting on polystyrene packaging..

    1. Thought you might guess ;-) We have a pile of bubblewrap that George also likes sitting on, but it doesn't tend to stay put when he gets down again, so the pile gets smaller and the floor gets messier.

  2. Oh, the cuteness! When Smoky & Jasper were kittens they figured out how to climb up into my desk. The first time it happened I was baffled. I could hear them crying but couldn't find them anywhere. I finally opened the bottom desk drawer and there they were! It's never boring, that's for sure! :-)

    1. It was when I tried to close the top drawer and couldn't, because there was a cat in the way. That was confusing for a bit.

  3. Such a character!
    Can't wait to meet him-Chris and I still need to arrange a trip to come and visit!

    1. Yes, definitely! We'd love to see you :-)


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